Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christmas Prophecy Names

We are in the midst of Christmas and this one verse is filled with references to God.
Isaiah 9:6 (NKJV) 6 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

"For unto us a Child is born"- First Jesus came to Earth as a child. The Greek myths had stories of their gods coming forth full grown. Jesus was no myth! In some ways he seemed that way to many people. There would be a blessing at every Jewish wedding asking for the children of this marriage to be "the promised one" but they weren’t really expecting there child, or their grandchild to be the one. And in spite of Joseph taking Mary as his wife I imaging people who has seen Mary’s state prior to their living together as man and wife thought some pretty bad things about her. I can only imagine based on how people would look at things today, it was worse back then Mary could have been stoned because she was expecting before the actual wedding.

"Unto us a Son is given" - us could have been Mary and Joseph both were told by angels that a son was coming. Mary accepted to be a most unusual mother haven never been with a man. Joseph accepted being a most unusual father. He had waited a long time to marry, he had possibly been waiting for Mary specifically she would have been barely old enough to have children and Joseph when he became engaged probably wanted children. Even after he took Mary into his home as his wife he had to wait for her son to be born before he could pursue his own son. But he delivered Mary’s child he had no part of and he raised God’s son as his own. God had given his son to both of them and to us as well.

And the government will be upon His shoulder. Jesus is the king, and judge, the leader of armies. Still a lot of this line is still waiting th be fulfilled. One day governments will operate in line with God’s will with Jesus as our leader.

And His name will be called Wonderful. In American Sign Language the same sign is used for wonderful and awesome. In some ways that gives a better understanding of the concept of wonderful. It is something so awe inspiring and full of wonder the words are inadequate to convey the true meaning of who the Lord is.

Counselor. I personally think of the Holy Spirit as more of a counselor than Jesus. The Holy Spirit is always with us as an advocate and counselor.

Mighty God, This is El Gibbor, or God our Hero. This name was used in Jer 50:36 and Ezek 32:21.

Everlasting Father. God himself was the everlasting father. All three persons of the trinity were present when Jesus came to Earth.

Prince of Peace. Prince of Peace was a very significant name for Jesus it identified his as a part of the royal line which was true both through his mother Mary, as shown in Luke’s genealogy, and his foster father Joseph as shown on Matthew. The peacefulness would largely come through the legacy of his death and resurrection. In accepting the Lord you can really experience true peace.

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